
our herd

Mother Nature is our best sorting tool.

There is no better test than raising cattle at 7,000 feet in elevation with a Montana climate (wind, cold temperatures) and length of this harsh season. Raising cattle in a harsh environment and challenging conditions dictates the decision-making for the herd. We base our breeding decisions on the genetics we will move forward with in the future & retain in our herd.

By identifying both the attributes—the exceptional qualities—AND the challenges or shortcomings of the animal, this provides the intelligence of the key genetics, breeding selection and cattle management.

To breed a reliable, durable, long-lasting animal in the harshest environment, we have to look at the structural integrity of the animal, like fleshability, bone structure, feet, and reliability for those running in high altitude conditions.

“EPDs can be interesting tools, but the guidelines can be vague. I prefer to look at the breeding pedigree over the EPDs/numbers.”

At a year of age, the foot score can be highly susceptible to change. To obtain accurate data you have to wait until the 18 month mark, for the numbers to stabilize and the foot structure to fully develop.

Our fall sale will provide accurate and more consistent numbers, which allow the animals to be purchase-ready.


looking for a different kind of animal?

WMR Livestock participates in a more traditional way of working by choosing horses over four-wheelers—collaborating perfectly with Erin’s passion for horses and allowing the ranch’s herd the opportunity to build valuable working experience.

WMR Livestock is proud to offer an excellent group of home-raised horses standing at stud or ready to go to work for you and your operation.

Learn more about the equine side of WMR Livestock here.